About me

My real name is Mohammed. I'm 16 years old, live with my family in İstanbul, and I've been doing web development since January 2020.

I'm a self-taught developer, and while I'm comfortable working on a backend, most of my experience is in the browser. The tech I use has always changed, but I love working with Svelte & SvelteKit for my web apps, and I use Sass to write my CSS. If I do need a backend, I reach out for Elixir and Phoenix, because they allow me to be very productive and focus on the code I'm writing rather than configuration and boilerplate.

I also worked with a small team of developers to develop a small business's website. Unfortunately the business closed and their website has been removed. Nevertheless, the experience helped me gain experience in working with other developers, by using tools like Git & GitHub to collaborate easily and efficiently, as well as writing clean, well documented code to help the team understand easily, therefore adding features and fixing bugs quickly.

I'm currently not doing freelance work, as I'm finishing school to go to college, however you can get in touch with me if you want!